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  • NEWS
  • DEVITA, a blockchain-based health data platform aiming to optimize legacy healthcare processes and operations through the latest innovations in decentralized Identification (DID) and NFT technology is going live on Polygon.

  • DEVITA's technology focuses on introducing the principles of Data Sovereignty to existing health data management processes by ensuring the health records of its users are stored, transmitted, and exchanged securely in a decentralized manner.
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  • 글로벌 헬스케어 프로젝트 데비타(DEVITA)는 세계 최대 레이어2 블록체인 서비스 ‘폴리곤’ 생태계에 합류했다고 14일(한국시간) 밝혔다.

  • 데비타는 유라시아 최대 규모의 소프트웨어 기술 기업인 게레게 시스템즈(Gerege Systems)와 협력하여 고품질의 저렴하고 효율적인 의료 서비스를 제공하는 것은 물론, 나아가 새로운 차원의 의료 정보 인프라를 구축하는 것을 목표로 한다.
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  • DEVITA Global ("DEVITA") together with the Bodi Insurance Group ("Bodi Insurance") have agreed on a cooperation partnership for the joint development of a decentralized health data sharing economy by employing blockchain technology to create a network of trust on which platform participants, characterized as either "Data Owner" or "Data User", can securely store and exchange personal health data.
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